Rocket Appartamento - Adjusting Pressure Stat




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    Isaac Ortega

    Do you happen to have images like these for the Cellini Primum Plus PID? The pump pressure on my machine has dropped a bit and I’m not sure how to adjust. 

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    Ryan McAleer

    Hey Isaac,

    We unfortunately do not carry that particular machine, so we don't have any photos for it in our articles, however, pressure stats tend to look fairly similar so you may be able to figure out how to adjust it based off of our article here. Best of luck!


    Clive Tech Department

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    My machine is not building pressure. Is it the same place that you can reset the over heat switch? Do you have a picture of that?

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    Ryan McAleer

    Hey Michael,

    The high limit switch is located just to the left of the pressure stat in the third photo, it's the black fitting with two wires coming off of it. There is a button in the center you can press to reset the high limit switch. Hopefully that helps!


    Clive Tech Department

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    So my Appartamento was working fine and then today the pressure gauge went over 2 and started hissing like a teapot.  Does that sound like I can either re-set the high limit switch or use the screw to lower the pressure? Or does it sound like something more ?

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    Keith Dickinson

    The screw you indicate in step 4 is not apparent and seems to be covered by a two wire plastic plug with two adjustment screws covered in red plastic... thoughts

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    Nicholas Longworth

    I have the exact same issue as Kieth Dickinson.  Has anyone any further information?

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    Mark Ashton

    I have replaced what I think is a sticky/clogged pressurestat on my Apartamento.  The new one I’ve adjusted and it is set at 1.4 bar.  Obviously when it gets to this it click off and slowly moves down it clicks back on at about 1 bar.  I’m assuming this is within ‘normal’ ranges?



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    Coffee A

    My Appartamento pressurstat is different. Rocket have changed it. It has 2 screws with red wax on them.

    I'm not sure if the pressure can be adjusted "increased" or what are the screws suppose to do.

    I'd really like to increase it to about 1.3 bar, any idea on how to do it with the new prerssurstat would be appreciated


    Thank you so much

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    Nicholas Longworth

    I have the same pressurestat with the red wax coverings. Unplug the machine and get a long screwdriver and you can adjust the pressure with one of the screws. Go a quarter turn and plug in the machine and adjust as necessary.

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    Coffee A

    Mr. Nicholas Longworth thank you so much for replying back.

    Is this the same pressurestat as yours, I've attached a picture.

    I believe I should turn clockwise using the top screw, am I right?

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    Nicholas Longworth

    I believe that is correct. I'd have to open my machine to check, but that looks familiar iirc.

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    Coffee A

    Mr. Nicholas Longworth, thank you so much

    I did it, and it was the top screw.

    To increase pressure I move counterclockwise, I moved as little as nothing, it is super sensitive. Then reached 1.1 bar


    Thank you for clarifying that it is indeed capable of increasing pressure.

    but I did not realize which direction to go, and thankfully all went well.

    Kind regards

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    Coffee A

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